Magician Rodney Kelley

Cuba and Puerto Rico
Children smiling after magic show!

Rodney the Magician

in Cuba & Puerto Rico!

Most of the photos on this page are just simply fun photos... most of the days we had an 8pm showtime so we had the entire day to have fun!

Children posing after magic show

Ventriloquist David Turner
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Balloon animal frog

Magicians Rick and Donna Moore
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Glitter Tattoo infinity heart

Magician Rodney Kelley
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

USO Tour with Rodney Kelley, Rick Moore, David Turner at the Coliseum in Rome

family having fun at Mexicali Grill

Magician Rodney Kelley promo photo

kids at a birthday party sitting at table having cake

most of our shows were at the club

children watching Rodney the Magician performing balloon trick

children watching comedy magic trick with Rodney the Magician

for our Thanksgiving meal in Puerto Rico we had a cook out :)

and the sign said, "do not feed the iguanas" and guess who decided to feed!! There are iguanas everywhere in Cuba!

Rodney the Magician
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